Be a Mistake Maker

Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh

Most humans hate to make mistakes. Or more truthfully most humans are embarrassed to be caught making mistakes. We translate making mistakes to mean that we are wrong and not smart enough, but in truth making mistakes is the quickest path to exploring new possibilities. Whether it is a solution to a physical problem or learning a new skill or choosing to have a new mindset about something, mistakes teach us.

Making mistakes only stings if we make them sting if we judge ourselves or others as wrong. It is our opinions about and labels of something that causes us to experience them as painful. Yes, we cause the pain of mistakes within ourselves, and we are compliant in how others experience their mistakes. Your initial reaction to a mistake reveals much more about you then the person making the mistake.

Without making mistakes, you are likely living a risk-free life inside a box that keeps you safe but not creating. Life is about trying, failing, trying again, making mistakes, and growing from the process. When I say fail, it is not with judgment, it simply means that not everything you try works. Let us not stop trying out of the fear of failing or making mistakes, instead let’s stop judging the effort and applaud the courage it takes to press on. The more mistakes you make, the more alive you are.

Mistake makers are life altering, mind opening, paradigm shifting beings and should be applauded and celebrated.

Making mistakes when you are young and naïve will be judged as being frivolous and impetuous. Making mistakes in the middle of your life can be seen as irresponsible because of your responsibilities. Making mistakes as an elder can be labeled as unwise because you might get hurt or. What is this is all WRONG? What if these opinions are of those who are too afraid to step out onto the skinny branches?

Be a mistake maker, use your creative juices to take chances and explore every aspect of your mind and creativity. You are never too old or too young to risk discovering something wonderful or amazing. Mistakes can be the launch of the next great idea, something that lifts and inspires, something that helps humankind. Be THAT person!


#plannedhappinessinstitute  / #revjerseygirl


Suffering is optional!
